Blade Runner

Blade Runner

Poster for the movie "Blade Runner"
© 1982 Shaw Brothers − All right reserved.

“Blade Runner” should be a classic sci-fi masterpiece. Should be. Ridley Scott directed it. Philip K. Dick wrote it. Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah and Edward James Olmos brought it to life.

“Blade Runner” brought dystopian aesthetics to life for American audiences in a way we’d never seen before. And it totally sucked.

Before you cancel your Shat The Movies subscription in disgust, hear us out for an hour. If you could stay awake through “Blade Runner,” you can sit through this..

Plot Summary: “Blade Runner Deckard (Harrison Ford) is forced by the police Boss (M. Emmet Walsh) to continue his old job as Replicant Hunter. His assignment: eliminate four escaped Replicants from the colonies who have returned to Earth. Before starting the job, Deckard goes to the Tyrell Corporation and he meets Rachel (Sean Young), a Replicant girl he falls in love with.

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Shaw Brothers, Warner Bros., The Ladd Company
Release Date
25 June 1982

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Shaw Brothers, Warner Bros., The Ladd Company
Release Date
25 June 1982