Revenge of the Nerds

Revenge of the Nerds

Poster for the movie "Revenge of the Nerds"
© 1984 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation − All right reserved.

We all remember “Revenge of The Nerds” as a fun ’80s college movie, but there’s a much darker side when you watch it today. What we once saw as pig pranks, masked sex, panty raids, crazy house parties, and fiery undies now can be viewed as animal abuse, rape, theft, arson, hate crimes and assault.

Does that ruin the movie, or do the jokes still shine through? Do Booger’s burps, Ogre’s brawn or Takashi’s Engrish outshine the creep factor of secret video cameras in Pi Delta Pi sorority house? The Shat the Movies team debates these issues and more in this review of the 1984 classic “Revenge of the Nerds.”

BONUS for fans of Big D: He was in a fraternity, and he’s got loose lips on this episode.

Plot Summary: “Revenge of the Nerds Geeky college students Gilbert (Anthony Edwards) and Lewis (Robert Carradine) are evicted from their dormitory when the Alpha Betas — who recently burned down their own fraternity house by accident — confiscate the building. When the college forces the freshmen to live in the gym, Gilbert, Lewis and their fellow dorks relocate to a run-down house. When the Alpha Betas, led by jock Stan (Ted McGinley), repeatedly humiliate them, the nerd’s plot revenge.

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Jeff Kanew
Ted Field, Peter Samuelson
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Interscope Communications, Zacharias-Buhai Productions
Release Date
20 July 1984

Jeff Kanew
Ted Field, Peter Samuelson
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Interscope Communications, Zacharias-Buhai Productions
Release Date
20 July 1984